Tuesday, April 21, 2009

to really understand

I went to the House of Martha yesterday. They are ages 4 to 15. There are two 4 year olds there now. Both have been raped. There is a 12 year old who was raised by apes. Many others were found in the market place, abandoned by their family members.

We went there and they greated us with a smile. They got together and sang us wonderful songs for the longest time swaying back and forth to the sound of their own voices. It brought tears to my eyes to see what little they had. And yet they kept smiling. There are 51 Children living in the house now. The house is ment to hold only 30. At lunch 3 shared 1 plate. There is no possible way to make 51 plates for every child. At lunch the plates consisted of 3 glops of neshima (like grits), 3 pieces of chicken, and some dipping sauce. Still they sat, thankful they had food, and ate with joy.

The other day when we were at the market, I over heard some white woman talking about how glorious these houses are. But the needs are so tremendous. It may be the best orphanages in Zambia, but it breaks my heart to visit these places and see how much we could do with so little effort.

Later in the day I got a chance to talk to Momma Nellie. I was asking her about the needs of the children and what I could help with. She explained to me that they always need food. IT wasn't hard to see the need for clothing. Some of the older girls didn't have shirts that were ok for their growing bodies. There are 15 kids that go to school. I think you can do the math and figure out how many are left. There aren't enough supporters to send all the children to school. They long to learn! I saw it with my own eyes!!!

I really don't think people understand. They have love in their hearts! Thay have Grace! They know Jesus! THEY HAVE NOTHING, and we complain about our houses, or not having AC, or TV. I'm talking about them making a joyful noise unto the Lord! And for what? They have not in anyway had there lives handed to them on a silver plater. They work, and work hard for what they have. And they do it with a smile on their faces!

I think I'm getting a little crazy..I get fired up about this. Especially after seeing it.

I ask you all to search your hearts. Find a place for Zambia in your prayers. If the Lord speaks to you, please let me know! There are kids just dieing to go to school! Or rather then giving your old clothes to Good Will...anything would be better then the clothes they have now.

I miss you all!


1 comment:

  1. Yet again, I LOVE this! Thank you for going there and sharing your mission with us!
